Summary of the class
The class was about organizational behavior and national and organizational culture and was explained with a power point presentation in which the teacher develops the topic specifying the most important issues.
Organization:a structured social system consisting of groups and individuals working toghether to meet some objectives.
Organizational behavior; is the study of individual behavior and group dynamics in organization. behavior is a fuction of both person and environment.
challenges to managing organizational behavior
- increase the globalization of the organization
- increase diversity of organizational workforces
- continue with technological innovation
- continue the demand for higher levels of moral and ethical behavior at work
Culture:is an agrupation of habits, behaviors, custums and so many different ways to interact in order to have an identity.
National culture: is an environmental factor it characterizes the national group and influences the behavior of its individual members. the national culture is transmitted in different ways through family, genetic transmission, the gender and age.
Organizational Culture: is a set of values or beliefs that is unique to any one organization. A strong culture could help an organization adapt to the environment and also can be an anchor around the neck of change. is one of the most important and sensible points to manage inside a company because it represents the image and the identification of the enterprise, it represent the diferentiated factor of the company.

Cross-cultural management: Development and application of knowledge about cultures in the practice of international management, when the people involved have different cultural identities. nternational management is The generation and transfer of knowledge across initial settings, organizations, and countries
Why is managing organizational behaviorin changing times challenging?
This is due to three reasons:first by the increasing globalization of organizations operating territory, the increasing diversity of organizational workforces, and the continuing demand for higher levels of moral an ethical behavior at work. is also a challenge as to the appearance of crisis, new competitors and demanding costumers and is an opportunity to increase the sales and profits and also to reorganize the company.
- Source: Nelson, Debra L. and Quick, James Campbell. 2010. Organisational Behavior –Science, the Real World, and You. South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, USA. Chapter 1 and 2.
- Organizational Behavior in the New Organizational Era Journal article by Denise M. Rousseau; Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 48, 1997
- Performance, Aspirations and Risky Organizational Change
Journal article by Henrich R. Greve; Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 43, 1998